I ‘m enrolled in five online courses, and already watched 3 Netflix series that I didn’t even know I liked. I am sort of sleeping “well” and I think I am one podcast away to become a life coach lol
My nights are very productive, I am the major of a city after all (shoutout to animal crossing for keeping me sane) and my mornings consist of pretending that everything is normal and baking the occasional banana bread (what’s up with that? The world is in chaos and suddenly we believe the cure is a ripped banana loaf?-weird)
The weekly groceries delivery reminds me of the situation tho, I truly appreciate the measurements that delivery drivers are taking to keep them and us safe but, opening the door to a surgery ready civilian is kind of shocking.
I was convinced that my antisocial self would thrive in a situation like this, but apparently I’m not that “different”, I’m a regular human being that needs social interaction from time to time.
I miss, my "going to Hobby Lobby Saturdays" to buy overpriced trinkets I'll probably use once to decorate things that honestly don't need decoration, but hey! "I have a 40% off coupon" so I need a ceramic bunny with sparkly eggs that say "Happy Easter" to remind me of the essence of the day, because you know it’s all about a bunny laying a colorful egg and you eating your weight on chocolate on Easter Sunday (mom if you are reading this, I am being sarcastic, don't excrete me from the family).
Heck! I even miss the smelly overly crowded feeling you can only get on your daily commute using the wonderful public transportation.
Nothing like a “what will I encounter today” adventure game at 7:00am to start you up! should I encounter an alpha male? a pretty common type of male who’s greetings start with “hey beautiful, this seat is empty” followed by an obnoxious back and forth of “I am sorry! I am married, I am not interested” and a “So? I am married too, no one is talking about things we don’t want (insert revolting self entitled laugh here)” -Yikes! or maybe I’ll encounter a “momster”, a self proclaimed strong single mother that can get away with everything because “she is a mother” who has way too many kids, and zero respect for the rest of us, you know what I’m referring too, the one who’s children can literally kick you from start to end of their trip and she will never ever say a word because “kids” augh! or maybe if I am lucky and the public transportation gods shine their light over me, I’ll encounter a unicorn! A female or male creature of any age, who consensually start a conversation with you, or who simply let you be if they notice you have earphones on and minding your own business - Love me one of those to start the day in a good mood!
Anyway, you get my point, I miss the good and the bad! Don’t get me wrong, I am happy with my decision of staying home, it is the only option and is the right one! But you know, a girl gets lonely sometimes!
What I’m trying to say is that, I know this is temporary and I am blessed with health so I shouldn’t complain, but honestly, I wasn’t ready to stay home for more than a month and watch the world burn on the news you know, I lost my job like millions of people and I cannot find a job because there are none, I've spent more than 24 hours online trying to submit my reemployment assistance and beg the government for my own money because life keeps going and rent is due on the first. I managed to submit the form on a Tuesday at 4:00 am, almost 3 weeks ago, but I am still waiting for an answer, an update, anything! I have so many friend nurses risking their life daily, and so many family members deemed "essential" exposing themself everyday just to enrich wealthy companies that obviously have no regard for safety nor humanity and are taking advantage of the situation, but "at least they have a job" ( I will not go there, I will not go there...)
I've been lucky enough to have not experience death of a friend or relative due to this pandemic, but the future seems uncertain the world is struggling and I’m just here trying to keep it together by becoming the next master chef, because I cannot do anything about it, absolutely nothing!
I am sorry if you thought this was going to be an uplifting post but, this is the reality and we cannot hide from it, we can only do the best we can with it.
I wish you are doing fine, staying healthy and taking advantage of this time to truly connect with yourself! You might be surprised to learn things you never knew you could do, something as simple as a really good cachapa (I had to mention it, I am very proud of her and will attach pictures with no shame!) or maybe start that project you always wanted to start but never could because you "didn’t have the time" excuse, that I am pretty sure you will not start and never will, BUT! maybe you will start a new one, an unexpected one and maybe that one will change your life!
This science fiction apocalyptic (zombies are still an option) world time is meant for self reflection and self improvement, let's hope that we as a society learn something from this and stop F*ckin polluting so much and start paying attention to the things that truly matter, because honestly so far we suck!
Till next time! see you outside, don't be stranger, stranger!
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